One of the key aspects of Muskegon Better will be a focus on the mental well being of our area.  We all know the importance of mental health yet we don’t necessarily act on it, let alone talk about it.  So, we’re going to bring the subject right on home to you.

Amy West is the Founder of Cup Health and she’s introducing herself today to let you know about her practice as well as her desire to reach a little larger audience to talk about the restorative work she does, especially when it comes to couples who are in crisis.  She will be offering insights as well as practical advice on a general level, however, mental health issues are difficult and often have layers and layers of accompanying aspects that can clearly not be corrected by a short few thoughts on a website.  Amy’s goal is to help those who are uneasy with the idea of the stigma around mental health see that problems are common, and that with some willingness and guidance, they can resolve and life can improve.

Her practice is located in Spring Lake and she’s no stranger to Muskegon with many friends here as well as her participation in so many of our community events and get togethers.  Take the first few weeks and get to know Amy a little.  Learn more about her practice and wait.  It won’t be long until she touches on something that’s more than likely effecting your life and with a little help and effort on your end, things can improve quickly and the idea of “Better” will settle in on you.

We are proud to welcome Amy to the O’Riley Media group of contributors.  LEARN MORE ABOUT CUP HEALTH HEREFOLLOW THEM ON FACEBOOK HERE.