Amy West is the Founder of CUP Health in Spring Lake, and will be sharing her thought with us on Muskegon Better.  Amy is focused on couples relationships in her work.  A seasoned veteran in the compassionate care of those facing challenges that seem to make things difficult, Amy’s realization of the necessity of a strong couples relationship was key to a better life for kids and a more stable community in the long term.

Amy is sharing the path that’s been taken to get here to where she is today in her practice.  The evolution of the CUP name as well as the process it’s taken for her to come back to the deep understanding of how essential it is for couples to have a strong, and trusting relationship to be the cornerstone of their family life.  In the future episodes, Amy will be sharing some more specific topics and as we work together, there will be some advice given to those who write in with specific questions.  No need to worry however, we’ll keep it to first names or anonymous if need be.

Muskegon, Better is the new spot in West Michigan where you’ll find ways that we’re, “doing better.”  The growth and the investment coming to Muskegon is staggering and it might be hard to keep up on it all.  We are bring in new faces as well as new creators and contributors who would like to be a part of showing the rest of the world what’s becoming of all of us.  From the smaller projects, to the big, please stay tuned to Muskegon, Better and watch as we share the continuing evolution of our community.

CLICK HERE to visit CUP Health online and learn more about Amy’s practice and what she offers for those who are ready for life changing work that will add to the wellness of the entire family and strengthen the generations to come and our communities for years.

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