Welcome back to another visit with Amy West from CUP-Health.  Amy is the founder of the practice in Spring Lakes and joins us weekly to discuss the issues she sees most frequently in the day to day of her work helping couples in their struggles to manage healthy relationships.  Like anything of value, the preservation and protection of the investment in a lifelong relationship is an investment worth keeping and we all don’t always have the tools needed to make it work.  There is zero shame in seeking better ways to manage.

Picking up where we left off last week, Amy is again focusing on the reaction we have instinctively to a problem that occurs.  We enter into relationships carrying what we know.   We also have internal reactions which are best described as “Fight, Flight or Freeze”.  As you would imagine, this is where this help of someone with Amy’s skills set comes in.  In a relationship, there will be “conflict”.  It can be as simple as what toilet paper to by or, there are situations with much more gravity that can tear people a part.  We can either work with what we’ve learned by example from our past, we can let the natural idea of fight or flight kick in, or we can work to learn ways to better manage this situation and come to the understanding that in a couple, it’s always a combined effort from two individuals that will lead to success and compromise strengthens the bond.

Are there struggles in your life and relationships?  Is it a tiring process and a feeling that better is out there waiting for you?  The first steps are not always in anyone’s comfort zone.  The idea that untying the knots that have you feeling that there’s no one that understands…..it’s a big move.  But to begin with someone like Amy who’s years of experience and delicate approach to resetting what’s known, and not known is an amazing step toward a much happier and fulfilled life.

CUP-Health can be found online.  There’s also the CUP-Health Facebook Page and if you’d care to call, the number is 616-842-0264.  If you’d like to E-Mail, CLICK HERE