Week three of Mindful Movements Yoga with Swenja Tanner!  By now, you’re probably an expert…well maybe not, but that’s ok.  We’re here to ease you in to the practice or, we’re going to add a little to your already established regimen of serenity.

Swenja begins this week breathing and in the midsection stretching and getting the vibes flowing.  Up through the back and then back down to the floor and into the arms and legs.  It’s a full body roll out that will make you realize that all combined activities balance your body and help your mind be at ease.  Swenja also takes the time to explain the thoughts behind the motion and for those who are new to this, or may have some mobility challenges, there are some simple adaptations that can be made to help assist.

Swenja is still in the process of getting moved into Muskegon and as she does, you can continue to follow her here and her adventures on some of her travel expeditions that enhance your physical and mental experiences in AAAAMAZING locations.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SWANKY TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES.