The question begins, with “When is the last time you had a fight with your partner?”  Well, some people fight a lot, some a little and some fight in ways that really don’t aid in the idea of finding a solution.  Amy explains what a “fight” really is this week and brings a new level of understanding to what’s behind a fight.


When a disagreement comes between 2 people it can result in heated conversation, words that can’t be taken back and even the dreaded silent treatment.  It should never result in a physical altercation.  If it does, it’s time to alert the authorities.  Even an argument though, it’s a way of truing to communicate.   If there’s something bothering you or there’s a topic that cannon be brought up without anger in discussion, maybe it’s time to learn some new communication skills.  That’s where Amy comes in.  She’s a specialist in helping couples get over the bumps and communicate better to improve their relationships which in the long term, benefits their kids too because of a less hostile environment to grow up in.
CLICK HERE to visit CUP Health online and learn more about Amy’s practice and what she offers for those who are ready for life changing work that will add to the wellness of the entire family and strengthen the generations to come and our communities for years.

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