A bit ago, we were approached by Arbor Circle asking for a hand on helping to share some of the stories about their work to foster and adopt kids. As we worked our way into the planning stage of their requests for some video they could use at seminars, on their social media and through email to help share these stories, we had a new website set to debut, called “Muskegon, Better” and if they wished, we’d share the interviews we recorded for them as an added feature.  So began this special series.

Melissa Burke is our first guest.  Melissa is part of the Arbor Circle Adoption Services team and her heart…it’s deeply involved.  To speak with Melissa is a great place to begin because understanding the goals of fostering and adoption and clearing up some of what’s been assumed over the years is a key to understanding how much of an impact this has.

We know what we’ve heard, but did you know that reunification is always the first goal?  Yep.  Fostering kids can begin at a moments notice.  People have problems come up and those stories of kids needing placement at the last second, while true…are not always the dead end road they seem to be.  A cohesive approach is needed to get the full picture of needs, while the child is safe, from the assessment of needs the work begins to heal the entire family in the hopes that they will one day be together again.  It might take some work to sort out, that’s why Arbor Circle is there.  If a solution can’t be found, then adoption is discussed and it’s a number in the ballpark of 3000 in Michigan waiting now.

Adopting an infant is the “dream”, but kids of all ages are pretty impressionable and while some adjusting is going to be happening, catching that groove and finding a way to blend things together is something that generally offers more reward than imagined and in the long term of it, at any age, you can take the wisdom you’ve acquired and put it into the mind of the next generation while supporting them in their time of greatest need.

Melissa also explains the support those in Fostering and Adoption through Arbor Circle receive, and over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to meet others from Arbor Circle along with kids and families who are participating in and have come through to the end with their work with Arbor Circle and you’re going to see that it’s not anything more than the willingness to be there for the next generation is what you need.  We’re honored to help share this story of how fostering and adoption will make Muskegon, Better.