We spent a day at Arbor Circle in Muskegon not long ago learning from families who have adopted and fostered and how that experience has helped them.  We have also met some of the people who work there and some who’ve been participants in the program who left situations that were less than ideal for kids while things needed to be sorted out.  The goal of Arbor Circle and the people they serve is always to reunite families, however, if that’s not possible to find adoptive parents who can accept and love is the next step and with the assistance of Arbor Circle, it becomes much less of a complexity and more of a partnership of a journey.

Liz Cambier and her wife moved to West Michigan from a major metropolitan area.  Like most, they figured on a short stay, but that welcoming and warmth that comes with living here grabbed hold of them and roots were put down.  Having a lot of love to share and the willingness to try….they began with Arbor Circle expecting to maybe foster some kids who’d gotten past diapers, however, they were invited to begin with a couple of pretty young kids and soon there after, along came a sibling from the same family who needed some help too.  The couple was able and willing to not only foster, but adopt three kids and keep them together as family.  Pretty remarkable.

Along the way, lots to learn and need an assist with.  Arbor Circle is the hub for that.   From emotional support to the idea of just calling and asking “Hey, could you use an hour off to collect yourself?”  Arbor Circle brings a level of understanding past even what the most hopeful fosters or adoptive parents could hope for.  After all, this is a major leap and to have seasoned professionals in your corner to know the nuance of the process past the paperwork….that’s the essential part.

One of the most incredible things about the entire experience?  How much Liz and her wife learned about themselves.  From the first year of fostering with the hope of reunification to the eventual understanding of adoption, Liz explains that there can be so many truths all at once.  When you her her explain it in the video, it’s really an amazing testimony to humanity and learning more about ourselves as we live, love and grow.

To learn more about Arbor Circle and their fostering and adoption programs, VISIT THEIR WEBSITE, or click on their logo below to learn more!