We’re back with another amazing story from Arbor Circle showcasing their work in the world of fostering and adopting kids.  The goal of Arbor Circle is to reunite families should the need for a child to be placed in foster care be needed for a time, however, that can’t always be the outcome.  Life is difficult and to know a child is going to have the best chance to succeed is the imperative part by all concerned.  In the case of Marcy Switzer and Jazmine Minzey, it remained a family affair.

Marcy is Jazmine’s maternal Grandmother.  Early on, Marcy was in the position to need to care for Jazmine, and then there were some up’s and downs.  Life was a little topsy turvey  and after a few years at home, it was decided that it was best for Jazmine to be back with her grandmother.  This is an awful lot to endure.  Especially within a family dynamic and there’s so much stress and worry.  The amazing experience of Arbor Circle is one of the keys of success in this entire process helping all that are involved with the experience, strength and know how to navigate some really difficult times and processes.

Jazmine is the one to watch here.  Now a 9th grader, she’s in the Junior ROTC and has her eyes set on college and a career as an Infantry Officer in the Army.  The investment in Jazmine and the entire family with the help of Arbor Circle is what’s gotten her to this point.  From the counselling offered to all, and help with navigating the system filled with paperwork, court appearances and even things that help sustain basic family needs, as we’ve been telling you, Arbor Circle surrounds the family with all that’s needed and more.

To learn more about Arbor Circle and their fostering and adoption programs, VISIT THEIR WEBSITE, or click on their logo below to learn more!