When the offer came from Arbor Circle to help create some video content for them to help discuss fostering and adoption, it was an exciting opportunity and as the day of filming progressed, we realized that sharing these stories from our end would be a great way to help spread the word.  Liz Londo of Muskegon is here today to share her experience in adopting with the assistance of Arbor Circle.

Liz, and many other families are brought into the world of fostering and adoption by necessity.  Sometimes, issues within an extended family bring out the necessity for kids to have someone to look out for them.  Some families have the capacity to be able to step in to help.  To get kids back with their parents is always the goal of Arbor Circle, however it’s not always a possibility.  Liz and her family found that in their case, they were in to fully welcome a new family member.  It’s been 3 years, and it’s been a challenge, a joy, a journey and a lot of life lessons about what can be seen in self and others.

One of the biggest misnomers Liz talks about was the idea that “fostering and adoption takes a special kind of person”.  It is a pretty big misconception.  The reality is that it only takes a willingness to try and the desire to know that stability is where things begin, and the steps along the way are helped by Arbor Circle.  Help in support for the adoptive parents.  Help for the child.  Help with the legalities, the process and everything else along the way….it’s all there.  Truth be told, that “special kind of person” is revealed more often than found.  Arbor Circle helped Liz and her family see that they too are “special kind of people” and a life has been forever changed for the better.