Saturday is upon us and it’s time to capture the moment with Swenja Tanner and Mindful Movements Yoga on Muskegon, Better.

Mind and body are the focus this week. Do you find yourself wandering into the idea of self-worth? It’s something that most everyone ponders from time to time. Worthiness is the mantra this week and Swenja is going to slow your mind down and speak to you about this very subject. You know what? You are worthy and while the questions from yourself and from others will always pop up, to center yourself and give yourself the benefit of the doubt that more people believe in you than you can possibly imagine is the best first step. It’s a difficult concept, this is understood. But, it’s not a call for arrogance or over indulgence of ego, it’s a simple reminder that God doesn’t make mistakes, and if life has you a little low…..this is your time to vibe and take it a step up for yourself.

How would you like to join Swenja on this serene setting?  She’s opening up registration to come to her outdoor “studio” and enjoy what you see here in person and connect even more.  It’s as simple as CLICKING HERE to visit the registration site.  Keep in mind, Swenja is new to town, moving here from Grand Rapids and working to establish a business of her own and it speaks volumes that she saw the opportunity here to do that!  Let’s support our new neighbor and business grower!

Remember, with any physical activity, it’s important to know your limits.  Swenja is a long time practitioner of yoga.  If you are new to the experience, take your time to get into the motions and don’t over do it.  Injuring yourself is the fastest way to ruin an amazing experience that will only enrich your life for years to come.  Keep in mind too as your progression continues, that adding a healthy eating habit will add a lot to you’re program as will upping your physical fitness in other ways.  On the Muskegon Channel, we have a weekly feature called Fit and Healthy With Becky and you’ll find a great new weekly work out there.