A blissful Saturday morning to you.  Swejnja Tanner is here this week to not only help you drop some stress and spend a little time on self care, she’s going to drop a knowledge bomb or two on you about the practice of yoga and how it directly benefits the mind and body.  Up to and including your stomach and spine.  Best part is this week, you don’t even have to stand up!

Here’s the thing.  We’re one big machine right?  All of our pieces and parts work together to make us go.  We have the normal repetitions of the day to day.  Some of us go on to more physical activity at work or in our leisure time.  Some go a little further in to practices that are much more familiar in other parts of the world, like say yoga.  This is your chance to give it a try in a safe space and find out if what you’ve seen on TV is right for you.

Some breathing, twisting and turning is where we begin.  After of course Swenja explains a little about the importance of the spine and how we age because of it.  Keeping it limber and mobile is brought up right off the bat.  We’re also talking about the importance of moving that belly around.  To aid in digestion and the elimination of toxins in the digestive track is a benefit that you’ll find by the simple movement of the midsection and a practice as ancient as it gets.  All through this, you’ll be getting to move your arms, and stretch out other parts too, and it’s less than 10 minutes to try.  When you do, we’re pretty sure you’ll be back for more.

Remember, with any physical activity, it’s important to know your limits.  Swenja is a long time practitioner of yoga.  If you are new to the experience, take your time to get into the motions and don’t over do it.  Injuring yourself is the fastest way to ruin an amazing experience that will only enrich your life for years to come.  Keep in mind too as your progression continues, that adding a healthy eating habit will add a lot to you’re program as will upping your physical fitness in other ways.  On the Muskegon Channel, we have a weekly feature called Fit and Healthy With Becky and you’ll find a great new weekly work out there.

Swenja doesn’t have any current adventures booked, but…..stay tuned.  She’s very active in the idea that the yoga experience in a destination setting is an amazing way to enhance the practice.  Not only that, but you also get to be a part of the group who enjoys the activity and can share more.  It’s a great way to meet people and be a part of something bigger.  Stay tuned to find out where she’s taking you next!