Welcome back!  Swenja brings your weekly edition of Mindful Movements Yoga to Muskegon, Better this week as a way to start your Saturday with some self care and some insightful instruction to the ancient practice that brings mind, body and spirit together.  Swenja is sharing her passion and as she gets closer to making Muskegon home, she’s working too to develop an audience to grow her practice into a vibrant community where there can be a lot of great togetherness.

Weekly, we hope that you’ve seen the pattern of developing the routines in the practice of yoga that you see.  It’s a combination of movement, breathing and thinking that envelops you as a whole and works to relieve tension, provide some calm and cleanses the body through motion and breathing in a whole lot of fresh air.  We work on a lot of the basics here and as time goes by, you may see some more advanced options to try out.  Utilize what you see here now, daily if you can.  Some of the twisting and turning is for your limbs and joints, that’s for sure…but some of it too helps get your gut moving, your brain going and your heart pumping.  Listen closely in this weeks episode too, you hear the term “let you heart shine” upward.  That’s part of the reward you’ll find when practicing with Swejna.

Remember, with any physical activity, it’s important to know your limits.  Swenja is a long time practitioner of yoga.  If you are new to the experience, take your time to get into the motions and don’t over do it.  Injuring yourself is the fastest way to ruin an amazing experience that will only enrich your life for years to come.  Keep in mind too as your progression continues, that adding a healthy eating habit will add a lot to you’re program as will upping your physical fitness in other ways.  On the Muskegon Channel, we have a weekly feature called Fit and Healthy With Becky and you’ll find a great new weekly work out there.

Swenja doesn’t have any current adventures booked, but…..stay tuned.  She’s very active in the idea that the yoga experience in a destination setting is an amazing way to enhance the practice.  Not only that, but you also get to be a part of the group who enjoys the activity and can share more.  It’s a great way to meet people and be a part of something bigger.  Stay tuned to find out where she’s taking you next!