August already and with the flowers blooming behind her, Swenja is going to guide you into a deep breathing and mindfulness session this week on Mindful Movements Yoga.  The setting and space are a visual delight to begin with and as you close your eyes and follow along, let the visuals accompany you!

The setting is lush and the scene is tranquil.  Along the lake where we film, you’ll find thick grass and plentiful flowers.  Nature surrounds us and it’s not always the easiest to access in the day to day scurry of life.  Yoga is about maneuvering the body for sure, but it’s also a discipline of the mind.  To be able to center and settle the mind is a huge part of self care, and Swenja will show you today that removing the distraction is a way to help cool you off both body and mind as the heat of the Summer continues to build up.

How would you like to join Swenja on this serene setting?  She’s opening up registration to come to her outdoor “studio” and enjoy what you see here in person and connect even more.  It’s as simple as CLICKING HERE to visit the registration site.  Keep in mind, Swenja is new to town, moving here from Grand Rapids and working to establish a business of her own and it speaks volumes that she saw the opportunity here to do that!  Let’s support our new neighbor and business grower!

Remember, with any physical activity, it’s important to know your limits.  Swenja is a long time practitioner of yoga.  If you are new to the experience, take your time to get into the motions and don’t over do it.  Injuring yourself is the fastest way to ruin an amazing experience that will only enrich your life for years to come.  Keep in mind too as your progression continues, that adding a healthy eating habit will add a lot to you’re program as will upping your physical fitness in other ways.  On the Muskegon Channel, we have a weekly feature called Fit and Healthy With Becky and you’ll find a great new weekly work out there.