Amy West is back with her bi-weekly series about all things mental health.  CUP Health is her practice in Spring Lake and she focuses on relationships primarily helping couples mend their hard spots and retrieve the love they once had.  As time passes, and people tend to change, there can be time when forgiveness is needed.  Amy has some incredible insight for you this week on why forgiveness is so vital in any life.

Forgiveness rids you of the anger and frustration held within.  It’s not necessarily something to validate another’s behavior, but if allowed to fester within, it’s a growing and building part of our lives that will spread.  Carrying a grudge will only lead to more difficulties in other areas of life and the proper way to let go of the built up anger and sadness is to forgive.  We should be pretty clear in the fact that this is not a permission slip for an abusive relationship to continue in any way.  Forgiving is letting yourself out of the situation and realizing that it’s someone else’s shortcomings that led to a situation and that if you choose to continue, you’ve let go of the mistake, acknowledged that they are human and then you move on.

CLICK HERE to visit CUP Health online and learn more about Amy’s practice and what she offers for those who are ready for life changing work that will add to the wellness of the entire family and strengthen the generations to come and our communities for years.

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